About the Journal

The Herald of Anthropology (Vestnik Antropologii) is a journal of scholarship started by the Academic Board of the Russian Academy of Science N.N. Miklukho-Maklay Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology on March 20, 2014 and incorporated officially as a mass media outlet on May 7, 2015 (registration No. PI FS77-61734).
The objective set by the Herald of Anthropology is to promote the development of fundamental knowledge in the field of sociocultural and physical (biological) anthropology in such focal areas as scientific theory and history of science, modern methods of obtaining and presenting research results, (co)evolution of human communities and cultural forms, population-genetic and ethological studies, the phenomenon of ethnicity, interethnic interactions and ethnic policies, migration and demography of culturally complex societies, urban anthropology and everyday life, anthropology of religions, linguistic anthropology, medical anthropology, gender studies, sociology, cross-cultural psychology, social ecology and ethnological expert evaluation.

Current Issue

No. 2 (2024): Herald of Anthropology
					View No. 2 (2024): Herald of Anthropology
Published: 08.06.2024

Testing Current Approaches to Ethnogenetic Research

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