Editorial policy

The aim of the journal is to expand the possibilities of publishing, discussing and evaluating scientific ideas in the field of the humanities and education involving Russian and foreign professional communities.

The objectives of the journal:

  • publication of scientific research results on the most topical and controversial problems of modern humanities and education;
  • involving well-known Russian and foreign authors in the journal for exchange of views between researchers and expansion of scientific and cultural partnership;
  • improving the culture and quality of peer review by inviting reputable Russian and foreign experts to cooperation;
  • providing full-text access to scientific articles, increasing the accessibility and openness of the journal in Russia and abroad;
  • inclusion in international databases;
  • increasing the impact factor of the journal.

The editorial staff of the journal is guided by the principles of science, objectivity, impartiality, professionalism, informational support of the most significant humanitarian, educational and innovative research, compliance with the norms of publishing ethics.

Scientific area of the journal

Russian Classification: 46.06.01 – Historical Sciences and Archeology.

Scopus – All Science Journal Classification (ASJC):

Primary field:

  • Social Sciences (Primary Sub-field: Anthropology, Main Sub-fields: Cultural studies, Gender Studies, Urban Studies).

Main field1:

  • Arts&Humanities (Sub-fields: History, Museology, Religious Studies)

Open Access policy:

Based on the fundamental principle of the freedom of information exchange, the articles of the journal are placed in the public domain on the website of the RAS Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, the website of the “Herald of Anthropology” journal, the scientific digital library eLIBRARY.RU in order to expand the communicative field and increase knowledge, as well as develop dialogue and exchange of views among the scientific community and expansion of the sphere of civil society.