«The «street cuisine» in Sicily: the cultural, gastronomic, social, gender outlines of the surviving phenomenon

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-49-1/115-134


  • Fais-Leutskaya, Oksana D. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


Sicily; street cuisine; urban culture; unchanging, staple menu; conservatism; male cuisine; social and gender determinism; low social strata culture; traditions


The present report is devoted to the archaic traditional institute of “cucina di strada” or “street food” – a purely male food subculture that exists in the context of the food system of Sicily, which is considered a “reserve of traditions”, one of the most conservative socio-cultural regions of Italy. The article analyzes gastronomic, gender, social, cultural features of this phenomenon, its traditional components and innovations that have affected the Sicilian “street food” based on bibliographic analysis and the results of long-term field studies of the author.


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Traditions and Modernity