Everyday Garments of Soviet Non-capital City Women in the 1950s-1960s (the example of Volgograd)

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-49-1/98-114


  • Bogdashina, Irina V. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


everyday life, city women, Volgograd, women’s garments, consumption, fashion


The article discusses the ways, methods and mechanisms to create women’s garments in the Soviet non-capital city of the mid-1950s–early 1960s. Clothing and fashion, inscribed in the context of Soviet everyday life, are considered to be a socio-cultural phenomenon that forms women’s needs. The analysis of the structure of women’s consumption showed a close relationship of everyday culture, economy and politics in the USSR of the 1960s. The media formed the image of a modern woman: being the translators of fashion trends and, at the same time, strengthening the ideologically approved image of a “working mother”, who could and should even be modernly dressed. Modesty, practicality and simplicity of style were promoted as canons of fashion in the socialist country, although these parameters did not always meet the needs of Soviet women who dreamed not only of industrial achievements. It was the labor exploits and active social work of Soviet women that ideologists put in the foreground, while the desire to satisfy the needs of women to dress fashionably acted as the party’s concern for the people, for their satisfactory supply of the necessary goods. The unavailability of some of them, especially fashionable clothes, on the one hand, formed new women’s household needs, and, on the other, taught women to adapt to shortages. In conditions of high demand for fashionable goods, Soviet city women, one way or another, were either trained to fill their requests by developing sewing skills or forced to acquire things illegally. Heterogeneous ways of acquiring women’s garments in the late 1950s-early 1960s revealed the transformation in understanding of permitted and forbidden in everyday practices and, thus, influenced the policy of supply of medium-term consumption goods in the region.


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Traditions and Modernity