The Nomads of Ancient Sogdiana

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-49-1/86-97


  • Khodzhayov, Telman K. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


Miankal, Sogd, Samarkand, Bukhara; paleolithic, mesolithic, neolithic, the Bronze Age, antiquity, Early Middle Ages, High Middle Ages и Late Middle Ages; paleoanthropology, craniology, osteology, paleodemography; craniometric traits, morphological complexes, race of the Middle Asian (Central Asian) interfluvial Area, Eastern Mediterranean race, Southern Siberian race; archaeological cultures


This article focuses on a study of multiple craniological and osteological materials from Miankal, a part of the Big Sogdia, belonging to ancient, medieval and close to modern populations. Most of data presented in the article are being published for the first time. Genetic and time distances between Miankal groups were analyzed through a set of craniological metric traits and indices. Although all the values are within the ranges typical for Sogdian population, specific morphological complexes were identified for these paleopopulations and genetic relationships between them in different periods were studied. The Miankal populations at all time periods were affected by the changes of appearance similar to those which occurred primarily in the population of the Central (Samarkand) Sogdia. In antiquity it had similarities with the tribes of the Western (Bukhara) Sogdia, and at Late Middle Ages – with the Southern (Kashkadariya) Sogdia. It can be assumed that being a part of the Central Sogd, Miankal was populated by groups from the west and south of Sogdiana, as well as from other historical and cultural regions: Central Kyzylkum, Prisarekamysh’e, the lower Syrdarya, and possibly by immigrants from Kangju.


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Physical anthropology