Pilot Research on Anatomical Variants of Branches of Diploic Channels of the Cranial Vault

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-49-1/78-85


  • Darya Y. Hodakova Medical Institute, Penza state University
  • Broselow, Vladimir M. Medical Institute, Penza state University
  • Kalmina, Olga A. Medical Institute, Penza state University


diploic channels, variants of the ramification, variability, computed tomography, research methods, visualization, RadiAnt software


The research tested a method of visualization of diploic channels. The 3D meshes were built based on the CT scans of four skulls. The materials used in this study are stored at the Department of Human Anatomy of the Medical Institute of the Penza State University. The RadiAnt software was used for visualization, which allowed to reconstruct the shape of internal cavities in the diploe layer, including the pattern of the diploic channels. The research revealed the great variability of branching of the diploic channels in every skull. In addition, branching of the diploic channels is found to be very heterogeneous as seen along the CT slices. The proposed research method proved effective to determine the position of anastomoses in the frontal, temporal and occipital channels. Branches of the longitudinal emissaries extending to the anterior sections of the parietal region channel are visible on all CT images. In general, the use of the proposed method of visualization of diploic channels is thought to be prospective.


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Physical anthropology