Anthropological Data on the Genesis of the Population of Central Chile

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-49-1/35-49


  • Castro Stepanova, Alexandra A. Lomonosov Moscow State University
  • Goncharova, Natalyia N. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Chilean population, anthropometrical data, ethnical research, multivariate methods


The present work is dedicated to the study of morphological traits of the modern Chilean population in order to identify its constituent anthropological components. This biological anthropological study focused on facial metric traits of the living people. We studied the Spanish-speaking Chileans – descendants of Spaniards, who arrived in the 16th century and over the centuries mixed with the native population. Immigrants from Europe, Asia and America who arrived in Chile in the 20th century and did not mix with Spanish-speaking Chileans are not included in the study, neither are their descendants. Since the immigration of Haitians, Colombians and Dominicans, as well as residents of neighboring countries - Peru, Bolivia, Argentina - has increased in the recent decades, it is clear that the anthropological composition of the Chilean population will change over several generations, so this study is of particular interest.

An analysis of the data set against the background of variability of the indigenous populations of the Americas showed that the studied Chilean sample differs from all aboriginal groups, including those closest geographically (Peru). At the same time, the closest group, based on facial traits, was a mixed sample of US citizens. If anthropologically contrasting Eurasian samples are included into the multivariate analysis, proximity of modern population of Central Chile with the groups from the Mediterranean region is revealed.


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Physical anthropology