V.G. Bogoraz as a Researcher of Yukagirs

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2022-1/312-325


  • Burykin, A.A. Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences


V.G. Bogoraz, Paleosiberian peoples, Yukagirs, Chukchee, Evens, ethnogenesis, economy, spiritual culture, folklore, shamanism


The article highlights the contribution of V.G. Bogoraz to the study of ethnogenesis, economy, folklore and spiritual culture of the Yukagirs. The author shows that although V.G. Bogoraz did not specifically deal with the Yukagirs, he made and summarized many valuable observations on the interaction of the economy and culture of the Yukaghirs with the culture of the Chukchee, Evens, and Russian old-timers. The scientist’s ideas on ethnogenesis and the early ethnic history of the Yukagirs are generally consistent with modern ideas, although the problem of the origin of the Yukagirs has not yet been resolved. The ideas and observations of V.G. Bogoraz contained in his famous work “The Chukchee” (Russian translation of parts I-II, L., 1934, 1939) make a significant contribution to the study of the ethnography of the Yukagirs, of their economy and culture at the end of the 19th century.

For Citation: Burykin, A.A. 2022. V.G. Bogoraz as a Researcher of Yukagirs. Herald of Anthropology (Vestnik Antropologii) 1: 312–325.

Author Biography

  • Burykin, A.A., Institute for Linguistic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences
    • Dr. of History,
    • Dr. of Philology,
    • Leading Researcher





Historiography, Schools and Concepts