To the memory of the Teacher. Anthropological Studies of the Circum-Baikal region in the works of I.I. Gokhman

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-52-4/249-257


  • Aleksey I. Buraev Institute for Mongolian, Buddhist and Tibetan Studies of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences


anthropology; craniology; Central Asian race; Baikal Siberia; Baikal region; Trans-Baikal region


The article is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding Soviet and Russian anthropologist Ilya Iosifovich Gokhman, who had a wide range of scientific interests. The study examines the regional aspect of his research and analyzes his works on anthropology of population of Baikal and Trans-Baikal regions. Gokhman made a significant contribution to the study of craniology of the Neolithic, based on the materials of the Fofanovo burial site from Trans-Baikal. He made a complete anthropological description and historical interpretation of craniological data on the population of the Bronze Age slab graves culture. His outstanding research on the population of the Hunnu era first revealed the Caucasoid admixture among the ancient population of Baikal Siberia, which was later confirmed in a joint fundamental monography by V.P. Alekseev and I.I. Gokhman. The article also analyzes the work of Gokhman on anthropological materials of the medieval burial sites Ulan-Bor and Ust-Talkin in the Baikal region. Another important finding of the scientist is the concept of formation of the Central Asian race as a result of metisation between the Baikal race and the Caucasians. His remarkable paper “The origin of the Central Asian race in the light of new paleoanthropological data” is separately mentioned. In it, Gokhman introduced new craniological indices, made a comprehensive analysis of the material and presented a new theoretical concept. He introduced new unique craniological materials, proposed new theoretical developments that fundamentally changed ideas about anthropological processes on the territory of Baikal and Trans-Baikal regions. The works of I.I. Gokhman provoked insightful debate among experts and gave impulse to new research on anthropology of Baikal Siberia.



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Physical anthropology