Research approaches and contribution to Moldovan ethnology and Gagauz studies M.N. Guboglo

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-52-4/301-314


  • Elizaveta N. Kvilinkova Associate Professor, Senior Researcher at the Institute of Cultural Heritage of Moldova


Guboglo, scientist, methods, contribution, Moldavian ethnology, Gagauz studies


The article is dedicated to Mikhail Nikolaevich Guboglo – a famous scientist, professor, who is one of the founders of Russian ethno-sociology and Gagauz ethnology. The article analyzes the practical values of his new ethno-sociological methods and approaches in the context of Gagauz studies. It is noted that he studied not only the ethnogenesis of the Gagauz people, but also their everyday culture and lifestyles. The article examines the approach he developed to investigate the identities of the Gagauzes, the social functions of their everyday life in the post-war and other periods in the system of ethnological knowledge. The author argues that the biographical and autobiographical method he used allowed him to trace the fate of various elements of the socio-normative culture of the Gagauz people.

The main areas of M.N. Guboglo’s contribution to Moldavian ethnology and Gagauz studies are revealed. According to his idea and under his leadership, a number of large-scale projects were successfully implemented: Russian-Moldavian symposia were held, collective monographs were published in the prestigious series “Peoples and Cultures”, collections were printed etc. Thanks to his efforts, a powerful impetus was given to Moldovan ethnology, and interdisciplinary research intensified. It is emphasized that he made an invaluable contribution to the development of Moldavian Gagauz studies. It is concluded that in the first decade of the 21st century, Gagauz studies transformed from descriptive ethnography to analytical ethnology.


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