Current Issues of Social Justice Reflected in the Poetry of Kyrgyz Labor Migrants in Moscow

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2021-4/129-148


  • Sitnyansky, G.Yu. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS


Kyrgyz migrants, Moscow, creativity, poetry, social justice


Kyrgyz labor migrants in Russia are in a better situation than representatives of other Central Asian countries both in terms of more qualified work and cultural and linguistic integration into Russian society. Thus they have more opportunities not only for artistic creativity in verse and in prose but also for a closer interaction with Russian literary organizations. For example, a considerable part of the Kyrgyz migrant literary club "Moscow Melodies" closely interact with the Union of Writers of Russia and other literary organizations, up to membership in them.

The article examines the poetry of some of the most outstanding representatives of the Kyrgyz diaspora. The poems are devoted to a variety of issues: the problems of migrants themselves and many topical social problems at home, from domestic violence to uranium mining and interethnic conflicts. It should be noted that the nature of Kyrgyz poets’ creativity has gradually changed, from the predominance of purely migrant problems to more general issues of social justice, primarily in their own country, especially after Kyrgyz guest workers received some benefits compared to other labor migrants in 2018

For Citation: Sitnyansky, G.Yu. Current Issues of Social Justice Reflected in the Poetry of Kyrgyz Labor Migrants in Moscow. Herald of Anthropology (Vestnik Antropologii) 4: 129-148.

Author Biography

  • Sitnyansky, G.Yu., Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS
    • PhD in Hist.,
    • Senior Researcher






Social Justice in the Poetry of Labor Migrants From Central Asia in Russia