Migration plans of Russian high school students: a regional dimension

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-52-4/153-169


  • Olga A. Zykina Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


high school students; migration plans; regional specifics of migration processes; interregional migration of youth; Moscow; Kaliningrad region; Kirov region


The migration factor can have a different impact on the socio-economic development of territories, depending on the specific conditions and established practices. Using the example of three different subjects of the Russian Federation – Moscow, Kaliningrad and Kirov regions – the article attempts to study the relationship between the migration situation in the region and the migration attitudes of the younger generation. An analysis of the specifics of migration processes, based on the results of a number of expert works and information from official state statistics over the past ten years, suggests some typical directions for the Russian population movement in each of the regions. The empirical data are based on the results of a mass survey of high school and university students. This paper presents an up-to-date cross-section of the migration intentions of high school students in the context of regional aspects of youth migration strategies, which allows for assessing the feasibility of their plans on a national scale. In general, one can talk about the likely preservation of the prevailing trends in the migration behavior of young people in the coming years. All the attitudes reported by the respondents – to change their permanent place of residence or, onthe contrary, to stay within their current place of residence – correlate with the data on the real movements of young Russians for each of the territories.


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Anthropology of Migration