Limb bone bilateral asymmetry among the Tobol-Irtysh Tatar

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2021-54-2/292-310


  • Dedik A.V. Siberian Federal University


physical anthropology, bilateral asymmetry, the Tobol-Irtysh Tatars


The article presents the results of studying the limb bone bilateral asymmetry in four groups of the Tobol-Irtysh Tatars: Ayalyn, Tobolsk, Tyumen and Kourdak-Sargat Tatars. The asymmetry coefficients were calculated  for the male and female samples of each group (using the R – L formula). The Ayalyn Tatars resulted to have the most symmetric skeletal system, while the Kourdak-Sargat Tatars – the least symmetrical one. The analysis of the asymmetry coefficients of individual bones revealed that the humerus is the most asymmetric bone in both sexes among all the studied groups. The lengths of the upper limb bones resulted to be the most asymmetrical measurement in all groups. Left-sided asymmetry was mainly  seen in the lower limb bones among the Tobol-Irtysh Tatars. No sex differences in the asymmetry coefficients were revealed. Combination polygons were  produced to illustrate the variability of the asymmetry coefficients for the male and female samples. Male samples of the Tobolsk and Kourdak-Sargat Tatars were found to be most similar to each other, and the Ayalyn and Tyumen Tatars are noticeably different both from these groups and from each other. The combination polygons of the female samples of the Tobol-Irtysh Tatars do not reveal any visible similarity between them. Thus, the revealed differences in the asymmetry of the skeletal system of the Tobol-Irtysh Tatars ethno-territorial groups are possibly associated with different economy systems of the groups.

For citation: Dedik, Alyona V. 2021. Limb bone bilateral asymmetry among the Tobol-Irtysh Tatars. Herald of Anthropology (Vestnik Antropologii) 2: 292–310.


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Author Biography

  • Dedik A.V., Siberian Federal University

    specialist  Laboratory of Archeology, Ethnography and History of Siberia






Physical anthropology