A warrior’s burial from Undrikh 2015 complex (Ryazan-Oka burial grounds). Archaeological parallels and anthropological reconstruction

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2021-54-2/248-273


  • Veselovskaya E.V. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS
  • Gavrilov A.P. Historical and Cultural Museum Complex of Shilovo
  • Vasilyev S.V. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


archaeological culture of the Ryazan-Oka burial grounds, Undrikh 2015 complex, anthropological reconstruction


The archaeological culture of the Ryazan-Oka burial grounds played an important political and cultural role in the formation of a number of Finno-Ugric peoples of the middle Oka river. The study of new monuments of this culture clarifies the general picture of the ethnic history of the region. Artifacts and bone remains from the burial of an upper-class warrior from Undrikh 2015 (pit 90) were studied. The archaeological inventory suggests that the burial dates back to the very end of the fifth century. Each of the objects is described in detail and examined for analogies using a wide range of publications. A torc, a fibula, a rich harness, a cruciform diadem and two swords typical for chieftain's burials in Eastern Europe suggest that the warrior belonged to one of the dominant clans, the ruling group of the Ryazan-Oka barbaricum during the time when authentic statehood was forming. Various power clans had their own specifics expressed both in the weapons, decorations, and, possibly, in physical appearance. Anthropological study of the skull identified traits of the Mediterranean anthropological type. Graphic and sculpted facial reconstructions make it possible to visualize the appearance of the warrior.

For Citation: Veselovskaya, E.V., A.P. Gavrilov, and S.V. Vasilyev. 2021. A warrior’s burial from Undrikh 2015 complex (Ryazan-Oka burial grounds). Archaeological parallels and anthropological reconstruction. Herald of Anthropology (Vestnik Antropologii) 2: 248–273.


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Author Biographies

  • Veselovskaya E.V., Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS
    • Doctor of Historical Sciences
  • Gavrilov A.P., Historical and Cultural Museum Complex of Shilovo
    • professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences
    • head of the Museum Department
  • Vasilyev S.V., Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS
    • Doctor of Historical Sciences






Physical anthropology