Adaptation of the migrant students to a new sociocultural context in the Universities of Mordovia

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2021-54-2/241-247


  • Akhanteva N.V. Ogarev Mordovia State University
  • Abduganiev N.N. Assembly of the Peoples of Russia


socio-cultural context, student migration, migrant students, foreign students, ethnocultural adaptation


Educational migration plays an important role in the structure of all migrations into Russia. Every year a large number of young people come to our country in order to get an education, and many of them plan to stay in the Russian Federation for permanent residence. At first many migrant students experience inconvenience due to the language barrier, the new socio-cultural context and unfamiliar climatic conditions. The universities of the Russian Federation, in particular the universities of the Republic of Mordovia, face the challenge of creating favorable conditions for the fastest possible adaptation of foreign students. Ethnographers can also contribute to resolving the problem, and it is reflected in various scientific studies. The article attempts to analyze the efforts of the two largest universities of the republic to provide migrant-friendly environment for the foreign students. These educational institutions have been working in this direction for more than a dozen years, each year making more progress in accordance with the realities of the modern world.

For Citation: Akhanteva, N.V., and N.N. Abduganiev. 2021. Adaptation of the migrant students to a new sociocultural context in the Universities of Mordovia. Herald of Anthropology (Vestnik Antropologii) 2: 241–247.


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Author Biographies

  • Akhanteva N.V., Ogarev Mordovia State University
    • lecturer
  • Abduganiev N.N., Assembly of the Peoples of Russia
    • Deputy Chairmen of the Board






Anthropology of Migration