Migration Factor in the Formation of the Multi-Ethnic Population of Mordovia: A Historical Aspect

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2021-54-2/230-240


  • Nikonova L.I. Institute for Humanities Studies under the Government of the Republic of Mordovia
  • Minakova A.I. Bauman Moscow State Technical University


multi-ethnic region, ethnic structure, refugees, national composition, foreign nations, population, migration


Based on mainly unpublished and previously unstudied sources, the article shows the role of foreign peoples in the formation of the multi-ethnic population of Mordovia, being part of the Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation. The origins of the formation of multi-ethnicity of Mordovia are revealed, the main trends in the development of migration processes are described. Based on the previous scientific findings and state statistics, the spatial mobility of the population of Mordovia from the second half of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century are considered. The data of the Russian Сensus, according to which people of 119 nationalities lived in Mordovia in 2010, confirms the complexity of the population of the republic. The paper covers the data of the First Census of the Russian Empire in 1897 with a foreign contingent in the provinces of Mordovia and the 1939 Сensus. The authors found that the multi-ethnic population of the Mordovian Republic was formed under the influence of the most important historical events that took place both in Europe and in Russia. These events gave rise to processes that contributed to migration flows and changed the ethnic composition of the population of Mordovia. For example, the construction of the Kazan railway, which required the influx of foreign specialists and equipment maintenance workers in the Volga Federal District, the events of World War I, which caused a refugee flow from Western countries to the regions of Russia, the location of prisoner-of-war camps in the Republic, marriage migrations etc. The authors provide a historical outline on how foreigners in Mordovia acquired Russian citizenship.

For Citation: Nikonova L.I., and A.I. Minakova 2021. Migration Factor in the Formation of the Multi-Ethnic Population of Mordovia: A Historical Aspect. Herald of Anthropology (Vestnik Antropologii) 2: 230–240.


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Author Biographies

  • Nikonova L.I., Institute for Humanities Studies under the Government of the Republic of Mordovia
    • Dr., Prof.,
    • Senior Resercher
  • Minakova A.I., Bauman Moscow State Technical University
    • Senior Lecturer






Anthropology of Migration