Youth of Kaliningrad Region: reproductive behavior from a historical perspective and at the present time.

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2021-54-2/110-127


  • Zimovina E.P. Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University


Kaliningrad Region, youth, reproductive behavior, reproductive age, family and marriage attitudes


The article examines the reproductive behavior of young people aged 15-19 years living in the Kaliningrad region. The work is based on archival documents, censuses data and the statistics covering sixty years (1959-2019). Analysis of statistical indicators suggests gradual reduction in the proportion of young people in the population structure of the region. On the one hand, this is the consequence of the decline in the birth rate during the studied period, on the other hand, it in turn affects the dynamics of the birth rate, especially at the present time. Particular attention is paid to fertility rates among women under 20 years of age. It is concluded that the contribution of the youngest women to the reproduction of the region’s population has changed significantly over six decades. This was largely due to a change in the attitude of young people towards marriage, as evidenced by the increase in the number of extramarital affairs and the change in the number and proportion of children born out of wedlock. Thus, a definite connection was established between reproductive behavior and family and marriage attitudes of young people.

For Citation: Zimovina, E.P. 2021. Youth of Kaliningrad Region: reproductive behavior from a historical perspective and at the present time. Herald of Anthropology (Vestnik Antropologii) 2: 110–127.


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Author Biography

  • Zimovina E.P., Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
    • PhD in History, Senior Researcher of Sociological Laboratory






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