AGNUS DEI: Christian motives in the image and cult of Falwara among the Ossetians

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2021-54-2/61-71


  • Ktsoeva S.G. V.I. Abaev North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Centre of RAS


ethnic religion of the Ossetians, Falvara, Agnus Dei, Christianity


The article discusses the general issues of the ethnic religion of the Ossetians. Recently, there has been a growing trend to return to the "original", and, consequently, to reject any "external" influence on the Ossetian culture in general and religion in particular. A certain part of the Ossetians (and their number is increasing) have developed the conviction that the Ossetian ethnic religion is a unique monotheism, which formed independently of the Abrahamic religions. This has become a kind of a social myth. Undoubtedly, the ethnic religion of the Ossetians is a unique phenomenon. But its uniqueness lies in its eternal openness to intercultural interaction while maintaining its own identity. Apart from its archaic features, it absorbed elements of religions from Ancient Iran, India, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam in a quaint and natural way. This is due to the fact that the Ossetians as an ethnic group formed at the East-West cultural border.

Specifically, the article is devoted to the Christian reminiscences in the image and cult of Falvara, the deity of the Ossetian ethnoreligious pantheon – the patron saint of goats and sheep. The article aims to study how the Christian tradition influenced the image of Falvara and how strong this influence was. The extreme narrowness of the source base forces us to rely mainly on logical rather than  historical research method. Nevertheless, the main conclusions were made based on the data of narrative sources of the last third of the 19th century.

The research is based on the synchronic approach within the framework of structuralism, developed by K. Levi-Strauss. According to this approach, all cultural systems (language, mythology, religion, art, customs, traditions) can be studied as sign systems. Ideological transformations of the ethnic group were analyzed using methods of a relatively new methodological approach of historical psychology.

For Citation: Ktsoeva, S.G. 2021. AGNUS DEI: Christian motives in the image and cult of Falwara among the Ossetians. Herald of Anthрropology (Vestnik Antropologii) 2: 61–71.


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Author Biography

  • Ktsoeva S.G., V.I. Abaev North Ossetian Institute for Humanitarian and Social Studies of the Vladikavkaz Scientific Centre of RAS
    • Doctor of Hist.,
    • Senior Researcher.






Religion and Identity