The role of the Italian- Albanian Church and the function of the Byzantine Rite in constructing the identity of the Arbresh of Sicily

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2021-54-2/44-60


  • Suloeva, M.A. Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography


арбреши, Пьяна-дельи-Альбанези, византийский обряд, идентичность, Итало-албанская церковь, традиционная культура


The article is devoted to the Byzantine rite as one of the key markers for the development of the Arbresh diaspora identity in Sicily. Rapid development of communications and increasing mobility of population lead to a weakening of social ties, blurring of ethnic borders and a decrease in values. The fear of losing the identity has given rise to a rich cultural life of the Arbresh. Over the years, parishes of the Italo-Albanian Church have been accumulating information about the history, traditions and customs of their community, strengthening external and internal ties, which inspired a feeling of internal cohesion inside the Arbresh diaspora. The Byzantine rite stays most resistant to transformation, since the local clergy are responsible for the preservation of the religious culture, which is closely related to the social environment as a whole, and directs its activities towards the cultivation and preservation of the Arbresh identity. The Italo-Albanian Church represents a significant institution that moves towards new forms of organization or changes the role of existing ones in order to respond to the challenges of modern society. The Italo-Albanian Church is highly valued by its parishioners and is increasingly perceived as a religious, social and cultural institution responsible for preserving the values ​​of the religious culture, which is closely related to the social environment as a whole.

For Citation: Suloeva, M.A. 2021. The role of the Italian-Albanian Church and the function of the Byzantine Rite in constructing the identity of the Arbresh of Sicily. Herald of Anthropology (Vestnik Antropologii) 2: 44–60.


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Author Biography

  • Suloeva, M.A., Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography
    • PhD student






Religion and Identity