Masks and carnivals in contemporary Sardinia

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-52-4/29-44


  • Sebastiano  Mannia University of Sassari


masks, carnivals, cultural heritages, Sardinia, маски, карнавал, культурное наследие, Сардиния


The carnival occupies an important place in Sardinia, and attracts the attention of scholars with its continuously renewed meanings and functions. Furthermore, the institution of carnival is one of the cultural traits that has most oriented enhancement, research, re-proposal, revitalization of spontaneous groups and cultural associations: local traditions are re-learned and reworked along with specific identities and new forms of expression. In this sense, we can speak of new carnivals; cultural heritage in new economic and social contexts. In other words: today’s representations and masks refer to an alleged tradition to respond to contemporary needs and requests. In the case of Sardinian carnivals, enhancement, recovery, re-proposal are usually spontaneous, endogenous processes, and they are, first of all, initiated to respond to «identity needs». The contribution tries to reflect on these issues, emphasizing the complexity of the carnival phenomenon in Sardinia.


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Ethnography of Southern Europe