Migration Crisis in Europe and Christian Mercy: A Story of One Parish

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-52-4/20-28


  • Olga E. Kazmina Lomonosov Moscow State University


Migration, Europe, Italy, Roman Catholic Church, social service


The article, using Italy as an example, analyzes the social work of Catholic organizations, addressed to refugees and immigrants. It is based on the author's field material, collected in one of the Catholic parishes of Bologna. The goal of the article is to analyze the attitudes to the migration situation in Europe from the part of its largest denomination – the Roman Catholic Church – and to study forms of social service of Catholic organizations among refugees and immigrants. The significance of the topic is determined by the fact that now many European states face the challenge of adaptation of refugees and immigrants and their integration into the host society. They are looking for acceptable ways of this integration. The laws that regulate immigration and stipulate the status of a refugee and an immigrant often provoke heated political debates. The secular discourse about the migration crisis, which usually emphasizes the rights of one of the sides, differs from the religious discourse. The position of Christian organizations of Europe consists first of all in the compassion to refugees and migrants and in the hope to possibly improve their fate. The migration crisis in Europe made European Christian organizations more visible and contributed to deprivatization of religion in a highly secular society. Christian organizations in general and Roman Catholic parishes and charity structures in particular became important actors in building relations with migrants and integrating them into the European society.


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Ethnography of Southern Europe