Ethnographer, Archeologist and Bibliophile Stefan Kirovich Kuznetsov: Moscow Years

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2021-53-1/317-324


  • Zagrebin. A.E. Удмуртский институт истории, языка и литературы УрО РАН


Ethnography, Archeology, Library, S.K. Kuznetsov, Finno-Ugric peoples, the Mari, the Udmurts


The post-reform years in Russia were the time of formation of ethnographers, for whom a sense of inner freedom was combined with a sense of personal belonging and a desire to work for the benefit of the ethnic communities they studied. One of the brightest representatives of the generation of researchers of the Finno-Ugric peoples of Russia who worked at the turn of the 19th–20th centuries was the ethnographer S.K. Kuznetsov. While serving at Kazan and then Tomsk universities, he studied the spiritual and material culture of the Mari and Udmurts of the Kama and Vyatka region, guided by common sense and humanistic principles. After retiring and settling in Moscow, S.K. Kuznetsov collaborated with the ethnographic Department of the Imperial Society of Natural Science, Anthropology and Ethnography, and published most of his field collections. While lecturing on "Russian historical geography" at the Moscow Archaeological Institute, he prepared the first consolidated monographs on the ethnic history of Merja, Meshchera, Muroma, Ves` and Mordvins.

For Citation: Zagrebin. A.E. 2021. Ethnographer, Archeologist and Bibliophile Stefan Kirovich Kuznetsov: Moscow Years. Herald of Anthropology (Vestnik Antropologii) 1 (53): 335–341.


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Author Biography

  • Zagrebin. A.E., Удмуртский институт истории, языка и литературы УрО РАН
    • Doctor of Sciences (History), RAS Professor, Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature Ural Brunch of RAS РАН (426004 Izevsk, Lomonosov st., 4);
    • Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS (119991 Russia, Moscow, Leninsky pr. 32-A).






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