On the Complex Ethnic and Linguistic Identity of the Population of Chuvashia

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2021-53-1/104-120


  • Boyko, I.I. Chuvash State Institute of Humanities
  • Dolgova, A.P. Chuvash State Institute of Humanities
  • Kharitonova, V.G. Chuvash State Institute of Humanities


the Chuvash Republic, self-identification, ethnicity, native languages, cultural complexity


Materials of the sociological surveys of the population of Chuvashia in 2015-2019 on the problems of ethno-cultural development and interethnic relations in the Republic are presented. Russian and Chuvash languages have been identified as native languages. The results indicating that a part of the respondents choose a complex ethnical and linguistic identity and feel themselves as both Russians and Chuvash are quite stable. Choosing two (rarely three) native languages is usually two to three times more common than recognizing oneself as a carrier of a complex ethnic identity. Comparison of judgments about certain ethno-cultural situations suggests that it is possible to distinguish a group of people, primarily with a complex ethnic identity, into a relatively independent group, drifting with their own assessments and preferences between groups of Russians and Chuvash, with the transition in certain issues of the boundaries of groups, whose opinions they mostly adhere to.

For Citation: Boyko I.I., A.P. Dolgova, and V.G. Kharitonova. 2021. On the Complex Ethnic and Linguistic Identity of the Population of Chuvashia. Herald of Anthropology  (Vestnik Antropologii) 1 (53): 104–120.


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Author Biographies

  • Boyko, I.I., Chuvash State Institute of Humanities

    Dr. (Hist.), Chief Researcher, Chuvash State Institute of Humanities (428015 Cheboksary, Moskovsky pr., 29/1).

  • Dolgova, A.P. , Chuvash State Institute of Humanities

    PhD, Leading Researcher, Chuvash State Institute of Humanities (428015 Cheboksary, Moskovsky pr., 29/1).

  • Kharitonova, V.G., Chuvash State Institute of Humanities

    PhD, Leading Researcher, Chuvash State Institute of Humanities (428015 Cheboksary, Moskovsky pr., 29/1).






Language and Identity in the Regional Dimension