«Designer Children» as a Way of Prevention of Social Disability
DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2021-53-1/91-103
: disability of society, biomedical GM-technologies, designer children, transhumanism, youth, public opinionAbstract
The medicalization of human life expands its capabilities and rights in areas that were / are taboo in the coordinates of traditional morality. The article analyzes the problem of constructing a future society through the creation of “designer children”, including prevention of disability of the population with the help of biomedical GM-technologies. Unlike scientists, public opinion is not yet ready to predict the consequences, considering biomedicine only as an effective way to fight diseases. At the level of everyday consciousness, there are no prejudices towards research in this direction, only a small part of the population thinks about the long-term medical and social consequences of these operations. There have always been “heretic scientists” in the world who work outside the boundaries of academies and institutions. Today, there may be “biohackers” among them, whose research is funded by private individuals interested in the results to achieve their own goals and not a single law, not a single state can control their work. Among scientists there have always been people who are ready to risk everything for a new word in science. In the Middle Ages, they went to the stake, so even less the punishment of several years in prison today can stop scientific progress. By changing ethical boundaries for themselves, they will change the morality of the majority. The passivity of society today will provoke politicians tomorrow to make decisions that contribute to the further desacralization of the human body in various directions.
For Citation: Shirokalova, G.S. 2021. «Designer Children» as a Way of Prevention of Social Disability. Herald of Anthropology (Vestnik Antropologii) 1 (53): 91-103.
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