To Leave a Ghetto: Overcoming the Stigma of Disability
DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2021-53-1/36-49
disability, disabled people, stigmatization, life style, life strategies, RussiaAbstract
There are scholarly discussions about the so-called disability culture / subcultures. However, nobody doubts that there are specific lifestyles of disabled persons determined not only by their illness, dysfunction or disability, but also by the perception of disability as a social and cultural phenomenon in various societies in particular historical and cultural contexts. These lifestyles are also much impacted by the stigmatization of disability which exists in many societies. The author examines problems of the so-called sociocultural “ghetto” for disabled people in Russia. Drawing on her field materials – texts of in-depth interviews and analysis of autobiographies, she demonstrates the process of construction of this subculture in which disabled people often live. This lifestyle is mostly typical for persons with innate disability. The author also investigates life experience of people with acquired disability who try to escape life in the “ghetto” and who experience other problems. E. Nosenko-Stein sees the cause of this “ghetto” construction in the stigmatization of disability, which is profoundly rooted in Russian society and culture.
For Citation: Nosenko-Stein, E. 2021. To Leave a Ghetto: Overcoming the Stigma of Disability. Herald of Anthropology (Vestnik Antropologii) 1 (53): 33–35.
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