Yu.V. Bromley: a new word in science heard in Europe

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2021-53-1/24-32


  • Fais-Leutskaya O.D. Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


Yu.V. Bromley, theory of ethnos, autoethnography, European realities, minorities, «nations without a state», relevance


In this article, dedicated to the memory of Yu. V. Bromley and to the 100th anniversary of his birth. The author, resorting to personal memories and the genre of autoethnography in general, tracks the "channels" of penetration in the 80s of the ХХth century, of the main points of the ethnic theory developed by the scientist. In particular, attention is paid not only to individual figures or centers of the European scientific world that have shown interest in these developments and contributed to their popularization. First and foremost marked the historical, social, cultural, political, and ideological realities of Europe and the world (the rise of regionalism, democratisation and radicalisation in the European climate, the intensification of the struggle "minority peoples" and the linguistic, cultural, religious minorities for the expansion of their rights, the phenomenon of mass awakening of self-awareness and identity, the design of the concept of "nations without a state», the "aging" the European Charter for regional or minority languages (1992), the beginning of the process of changes in the legislation of European countries in respect of  "small Nations", etc.), which led to the interest in certain categories and concepts of this theory (such as ethnic identity, ethnonyms, community of territory, ethnic culture, ethnikos, etc.) and their "demand" as "answers of the time".

For Citation: Fais-Leutskaia O.D. 2021. Yu.V. Bromley: a new word in science heard in Europe.  Herald of Anthropology  (Vestnik Antropologii) 1 (53): 24–32.


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Author Biography

  • Fais-Leutskaya O.D., Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS

    PhD in history, Senior Researcher Center of European Studies, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow, Russia)



18.03.2021 — Updated on 19.03.2021




To the 100th anniversary of Academician Julian Vladimirovich Bromley