Yulian V. Bromley and the "Bromley Period" of the Russian Ethnology

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2021-53-1/9-23


  • Karlov V.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University


Yu. V. Bromley, theory of ethnos, ethnography of modernity, history of ethnology


The article is devoted to the centenary of the birth of Academician Yu. V. Bromley. The scientist headed the Academic Institute of Ethnography for more than 20 years. In order to adequately assess this period in the history of Russian ethnology, when its development was led by Yu. V. Bromley, an analysis of the state of ethnographic science and the priority tasks facing it, at the time of his arrival as director of the Institute, is undertaken. These are, first of all, urgent problems of studying ethnographic modernity, as well as the need to update the theoretical base of ethnography. The leading ethnographers understood the seriousness and scale of these tasks, but the methods for solving them were not developed. The article assesses the personal contribution of the academician to the development of science in the USSR, as well as the entire period of 1960-80 in Russian ethnology. The article analyzes the theory of ethnos proposed by Yu. V. Bromley, the development of the categorical apparatus of ethnological science, and the study of ethnographic modernity. In these areas of ethnological knowledge, during the leadership of Yu. V. Bromley, the Institute of Ethnography achieved serious and positive changes. The author expresses the opinion that this was a very fruitful period in the history of the development of ethnological knowledge in the USSR.

For Citation: Karlov, V.V. 2021. Yulian V. Bromley and the “Bromley Period” of the Russian Ethnology . Herald of Anthropology (Vestnik Antropologii) 1 (53): 9–23.


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Author Biography

  • Karlov V.V., Lomonosov Moscow State University

    Dr. (Hist.), Prof., Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia, Moscow).






To the 100th anniversary of Academician Julian Vladimirovich Bromley