Cross-cultural Aspects of ethnological Transformations: A Film by Leonid Parfenov and the Biography of Jacob Teitel


  • Elena Yakovlevna Burlina Samara State Medical University


intercultural aspects of ethnology and anthropology, the film “Russian Jews” by Leonid Parfenov, the Samara almanac “The Jews of the Provincial Russia”, the Russian diasporas, the space of language and culture, the transdisciplinary notions of “one’s own” and “another’s”


The article raises the question of the impact of artistic and media products (film, historical and cultural journalism, etc.) on the ethnological transformation in Russia, as well as in the Russian-speaking Diaspora. First consider the artifact: the film is L.G. Parfenov, «Russian Jews» and the attendant discussion of 2016 and 2017 Second: a biography of J.L. Tateitel in the Anthology «Jews in provincial Russia», Samara, 1992, and its modern international resonances. The author’s conclusions: the selected artifacts confirm the dynamics of ethnic ideas about «one’s own» and «others» in the space of the Russian language and culture. The existence of similar artistic and cultural content in Russia and in the Russian-speaking Diaspora raises a number of new and relevant interdisciplinary research problems.


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Author Biography

  • Elena Yakovlevna Burlina , Samara State Medical University
    • Doctor of Philosophy,
    • Candidate of Art History,
    • Professor,
    • Editor-in-Chief of the Russian-German almanac "Stadt-Land-Planet" e.V.,
    • Head. Department of Philosophy and Culturology of SamSMU






Anthropological mosaic