«Experimental Anthropology». Two turtles meet...


  • Sergey V. Cheshko Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


«experimental anthropology», continuity of ethnological research, innovations in methodology and methodic


The author brings his critical judgments in relation to one of the newest and actively propagated ideas – the idea of «experimental anthropology». According to the author, the term itself is too pretentious and unsuccessful, as it discords with the natural sciences. Most importantly, «experimental anthropology» does not actually bring anything new to the methodology and methodic of ethnological and anthropological researches.


  1. Arutiunov S.A. Kuda ty, cherepakha? Vestnik antropologii. Novaia seriia, 2017. No. 3(39). Pp. 153–159.
  2. Kozhanovskii A.N., Kucherova I.A., Kholler E.V. Ignat'ev R.N. Perestroika identichnosti i transformatsiia traditsionnogo uklada zhizni v stranakh Evropy na rubezhe XX – XXI vv.: uroki odnogo issledovaniia // Vestnik antropologii. Novaia seriia, 2016. No. 4(36). Pp. 106–131.
  3. Ignat'ev R.N., Nikitin M.A. Eksperimental'naia antropologiia. Vestnik antropologii. Novaia seriia, 2017. No. 2(38). Pp. 36–44.
  4. Cherepakha i plod / Brazil'skie skazki i legendy. Perevod V. Zhitkova. URL: https://www.indiansworld.org/Nonmeso/brazilian_tales28.html#.WqOlkGrFLcs.
  5. Cheshko S.V. Chem bol'she znaesh', tem men'she ponimaesh'… Vestnik antropologii. Novaia seriia, 2016. No. 3(36). Pp. 132–135.

Author Biography

  • Sergey V. Cheshko, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS
    • Doctor of Historical Sciences,
    • Chief Researcher at the Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences.






Experimental anthropology