The creation experience of a database on paleoanthropological materials of the populations of Yamnaya and Afanasyevo related culture group of the Early Metal Age of Eurasia - results and prospects


  • Gennady Grigorievich Kravchenko Tomsk State University
  • Dmitry Gennadievich Kravchenko
  • Marina Petrovna Rykun Tomsk State University
  • Konstantin N. Solodovnikov Institute for Problems of Northern Development of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy
  • Aleksandr A. Khokhlov Samara State Social and Pedagogical University


paleoanthropology, Yamnaya culture, Afanasyevo culture, craniological data, osteological data, photographic fixation, data model, database


The article presents conceptual approaches to design and development specifics for a database on paleoanthropological materials of the populations of Yamnaya and Afanasyevo related culture group of the Early Metal Age of Eurasia. The work is divided into two parts: the first comprises the creation of the database schema and means for filling it, the second is reviewed as an upcoming work and will involve the creation of tools for the work of anthropologists with data. The work on the first part is basically completed. The database being developed is considered as a united repository for the most significant information about the above-mentioned materials structured according to uniform rules. Such a storage, unlike printed versions, can be easily populated and changed, thus remaining always up to date. After completing the second part of the work, users will have an opportunity to systematize and use materials depending on their tasks.


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Author Biographies

  • Gennady Grigorievich Kravchenko , Tomsk State University
    • candidate of physical and mathematical sciences,
    • associate professor of Tomsk State University
  • Dmitry Gennadievich Kravchenko
    • software engineer
  • Marina Petrovna Rykun , Tomsk State University
    • PhD of historical sciences,
    • head of the group of Tomsk State University
  • Konstantin N. Solodovnikov , Institute for Problems of Northern Development of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy
    • PhD.
    • Senior Researcher at the Institute for Problems of Northern Development
  • Aleksandr A. Khokhlov , Samara State Social and Pedagogical University
    • Doctor of Historical Sciences, ,
    • Professor,






Physical anthropology