The situation of the individual peasant farm in Leninsky volost of the Moscow district in the 1920s-1930s


  • Olga Petrovna Savostyanova Moscow State United Museum-Reserve


Подмосковье, сложности периода НЭП, развитие единоличного крестьянского хозяйства, начало коллективизации


The study of the individual peasant households of the Southern part of the Moscow oblast is of crucial importance for understanding the historical, cultural and ethnographic processes that took place in the region in the 1920s-1930s. The paper considers economically strong peasant households of villages and hamlets located within the boundaries of the Leninskaya volost (former Dvortsovaya volost), Moscow governorate. During this period, the legal status of peasantry was changing drastically, which reflected on its economic opportunities. The new policy of the party and government marked by the change of the tax system provided the peasant households with temporary opportunities for restoration. In the paper documentary sources and oral evidence on that subject were used.


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  8. RGAE  – Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv ekonomiki. F. 396. Op. 3. D. 368.
  9. TsAOPIM – Tsentral'nyi arkhiv obshchestvenno-politicheskoi istorii Moskvy. F. 3. Op. 11. D. 88; D. 900; F. 117. Op. 1. D. 1; F. P-117. Op.1. D. 4.
  10. TsGAMO – Tsentral'nyi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Moskovskoi oblasti. F. 172. Op. 15. D. 4; F. 674. Op. 1. D. 72, D. 324, D. 461, D. 534, D. 579; Op. 3. D. 5; Op. 4. D. 3, D. 6; F. 717. Op. 1. D. 24, F. 804. Op. 1. D. 92, D. 128, D. 150, D. 153, D. 191, D. 193.; F. 4772. Op. 1. D. 6; F. 7122. Op. 1. D. 3; F. 7250. Op. 1. D. 58, D. 70.
  11. TsIAM – Tsentral'nyi istoricheskii arkhiv Moskvy. F. 203, Op. 357, D. 10; F. 483, Op. 3, D. 1476, D. 1521.

Author Biography

  • Olga Petrovna Savostyanova, Moscow State United Museum-Reserve


    • curator of the museum collection 







Anthropological mosaic