. Comparative osteometric characteristic of Kuban Meotians (VI century BC – III АD)


  • Alexandra Nikolaevna Abramova Volgograd State University


physical anthropology, osteology, osteometry, Meotians, Kuban


The article provides preliminary evidence of the characteristics osteometric Meotian population. Which was buried in the cemeteries Starokorsunskaya settlement and cemetery №2, №3 settlement Lenin, dating from the VI century BC–III АD. For carrying out the intra-group comparative characteristics, all the material studied was divided into two chronological groups: IV–I centuries BC and I–III AD. The mean value of the body length was reconstructed and the absolute values of the individual characteristics for all studied groups were estimated. Absolute values of the longitudinal dimensions of long bones in men IV–I centuries BC are characterized by average values, and for the I–III centuries. AD the bones of the hands are medium in size, and the bones of the legs are small. Female skeletons fall into the category of small ones. The conditional indicator of the size of the skeleton for all the periods examined showed small size of the body, and this feature allows us to talk about decreasing the body size of meots over time. When comparing the indexes of plaktinemia and platolenia, the male part of two compared periods showed significant differences according to these characteristics.


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Author Biography

  • Alexandra Nikolaevna Abramova, Volgograd State University


    • Post-graduate student of Volgograd State University in Krasnodar.







Physical anthropology