Ismaili community of Moscow: Future through the prism of the Past


  • Tohir S. Kalandarov Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


Islam, ismaili community, Pamir, Tajikistan


Ismailism is one of the branches of the Shii Islam. One of the indigenous and densely settled Ismaili communities lives in high mountainous valleys of Pamir or Mountainous Badakhshan Autonomous District of the Republic of Tajikistan. Moscow Ismaili community was formed as a result of labor and other migration to Moscow. The papers outlines the history of Ismailism in Pamir and analyses the contemporary state of the Moscow Ismaili community


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Author Biography

  • Tohir S. Kalandarov, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS
    • PhD in History,
    • Senior Fellow, Center for Asian and Pacific Studies 
    • Moscow, Russia






Anthropological mosaic