The urban population of Western Alanya, VIII-IX centuries BC (based on craniology of the burial Moshchevaya Balka)


  • Margarita M. Gerasimova Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


North Caucasus, Western Alanya, alans, adygs, craniology, component and canonical analyses


In the given article the craniological materials from the burial Moshchevaya Balka from Western Alanya of the early medieval time are discussed. The archaeological attribution of this burial is given. The history of the study of craniological materials from it (including the author's publications, 1986) and the results of the new analyses based on the usage of multivariate statistics are also given. It’s done in connection with appearance new comparative materials and with the attribution reference of the buried people to urban population.


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Author Biography

  • Margarita M. Gerasimova, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS
    • PhD, leading researcher,
    • Head of the Cabinet-Museum of Anthropology named after acad. V.P. Alekseeva






Anthropological mosaic