The Influence of the socio-economic status of urban residents on the interethnic relations (on the example of Kostroma)


  • Natalia A. Belova Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


economic problems, demography, standard of living, migration, migrants, relationships, events, local authorities, opinion polls


The article discusses the problems of socio-economic character that ordinary russians face every day, Also author of the article does a detailed analysis of the demographic situation in the region, assess the standard of living and opportunities of citizens in the province. What difficulties do Kostroma face every day and what opportunities do residents of the underdeveloped regions of the Russian Federation have? And also an attempt is made to reveal the attitude of local residents to representatives of other nationalities. The author is detailed study of the local administration’s activities and their reporting information in the Kostroma region.


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Anthropological mosaic