On the revision of the right to Self-determination


  • Sergey V. Cheshko Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


a right to self-determination, nation, ethnos


The author believes that the entire international legal system, concerning the paradigm of the right to self-determination, is hopelessly outdated and requires a radical revision. Some basic approaches to reforming this system are proposed.


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  2. Cheshko S.V. Krizis doktriny samoopredeleniia. Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 2001. No. 2. Pp. 3–16. (In Russ.) [Cheshko S.V. The Crisis of the Doctrine of Self-Determination. Ethnographic Review, 2001. No. 2. Pp. 3–16]
  3. Cheshko S.V. Raspad Sovetskogo Soiuza: etnopoliticheskii analiz. M.: IEA RAN, 1996. 304 pp. (In Russ.) [Cheshko S.V. The collapse of the Soviet Union: ethnopolitical analysis. Moscow: IEA RAS, 1996. 304 p.]
  4. Cheshko S.V. Review to: Guboglo M.N. Strasti po doveriiu. Opyt etnopoliticheskogo issledovaniia referenduma v Gagauzii. Moscow: IEA RAN, 2014. 214 s. Vestnik antropologii, 2014. No. 1 (28). Pp. 199–202. (In Russ.) [Guboglo M.N. Passion by trust. The experience of ethnopolitical study of the referendum in Gagauzia. - Moscow: IEA RAS, 2014. 214 p. Herald of Anthropology, 2014. No. 1 (28). Pp. 199–202].
  5. Cheshko S.V. Review to: Guboglo M.N. Energiia doveriia. Opyt etnosotsiologicheskogo issledovaniia Referenduma v Krymu 16 marta 2014. Kishinev: F.E. – P. «Tipografia Centrală'», 2014. 222 p. Vestnik antropologii, 2015. № 2(30). Pp. 157–161. (In Russ.) [Guboglo M.N. The energy of trust. The experience of the ethnosociological study of the Referendum in the Crimea on March 16, 2014. Chisinau: F.E. - P. "Tipografia Centrală", 2014. 222 p. Herald of Anthropology, 2015. No. 2 (30). Pp. 157–161]
  6. Chessko S.V. «Russkii vopros'» v etnopoliticheskom kontekste. Vestnik antropologii, 2018. No. 2 (42). Pp. 5–23 (In Russ.) [«Russian Question» in the ethno-political context. Herald of Anthropology, 2018. No. 2 (42). Pp. 5–23]
  7. Cheshko S. The challenges of self-determination. Peoples, Identities and Regions. Spain, Russia and the Challenges of the Multi-Ethnic State. Ed. by Marina Martynova, David Peterson, Roman Ignatiev & Nerea Madariaga. Moscow: IEA RAS, 2015. Pp. 174–190.
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Ethno-political Studies