Demographic Colonization as a tool of politics of National Homogenization in the Georgian SSR (on the example of Gudauta district of Abkhazia)


  • Nuri V. Bagapsh Abkhazian Institute of Humanitarian Researc


Abkhazia, ethnic demography of Abkhazia, Georgianization of Abkhazia, Gudauta district, organized migration in the Georgian SSR


The work researches the resettlement policy of the Georgian SSR during the Stalin era on the example of the organized resettlement of peasants from the western regions of Georgia to the Gudauta district of Abkhazia. The political, socio-cultural and geographical logic of Tbilisi-organized mass migration of the Kartvelian population to Abkhazia in the 1930s–1950s is analyzed. The demographic colonization of Abkhazia is considered, on the one hand, as one of the elements of the polycomponent policy of the Georgianization of the autonomous republic in the Stalin era, on the other – as a particular example of the implementation of the policy of national homogenization of Georgia, conducted by Georgian elites from the second half of the 19th century up to the present day.


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Ethno-political Studies