Socio-cultural aspects of disability in the modern Russian city (Kazan)


  • Daria A. Dronova Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS
  • Julia N.  Fedenok Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


disability, stereotypes about the causes of disability, assistance for the disabled, social and psychological distance, the Russian students


The article is based on the results of an empirical study on the perception of disability of modern youth. A survey was conducted among the students of Kazan, which showed that the attitude to disability as a biological and social phenomenon is influenced by such factors as gender and age of the respondents, personal and social experience gained at an early age, and also a number of psychological traits. The results showed that it is necessary to carry out targeted social policies, including contacts with persons with disabilities (for example at cultural and leisure venues) at an early age. In the future this may serve, in addition to raising a tolerant attitude towards «otherness».


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Author Biography

  • Julia N.  Fedenok , Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS

    PhD, Research Fellow of the Sector for Cross-Cultural Psychology and Human Ethology Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS 

    Scientific interests: human ethology, social anthropology, cross-cultural psychology, spatial and territorial human behavior, non-verbal communication, intercultural communication.






Anthropological mosaic