Professional identity of the Soviet teacher (part I)



identity, the Soviet teacher, the transformation of the Soviet Union, everyday life


The article deals with the professional identity of the Soviet man, on the example of teachers, as a socio-professional group. What is the role of professional identity in the Soviet Union and what has taken place the teacher in one of the most powerfulsuper powers of the last century. Analysis and study of category transformation "identity" in the minds of ordinary citizens. The dynamics of the image from the most prestigious profession to the most unpopular. Features of political pressure on this social group, the influence of the party on teaching methods and the way of life of teachers and how this dictate has changed throughout the period, and most importantly, how has the attitude of teachers to this phenomenon.


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Author Biography

  • Natalia A. Belova, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS

    PhD, researcher associate in the Institute of ethnology and anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 2011 the Thesis on the subject "Everyday Life of the Soviet Teachers (on Materials of the Kostroma Edge)" was defended. Scientific interests – everyday life of Russians, migrants from the neighboring countries, traditions and customs of modern Turkmenistan. For rather short scientific career she prepared and published more than 15 scientific articles, with 5 of them being published in magazines included in the list of periodicals reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission.






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