The concept of Shame in contemporary Russian society and in the Media


  • Vera K. Malkova Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


Selected: public morality, shame, guilt, compulsion to shame, media images, behavior patterns, responsibility


The article is devoted to Shame – one of the most important of moral categories for all communities. The object of the research is the existence of this phenomenon in modern Russian society and its coverage in Media space. Based on numerous examples from the modern Russian reality and on the materials of Russian media, the author proposes for the first time to consider this truly immortal phenomenon in three ways: the presence or absence of shame in the individual, socio-professional and in international spheres


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Author Biography

  • Vera K. Malkova, Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS

    Doctor of Historical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Center for Ethnopolitical Research Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS (Moscow, Russia)






Anthropological mosaic