Paleogeographic study of the Crimean Tatar necropolis Bakhchi-Eli of XIX–XX centuries


  • Svetlana B. Borutskaya Lomonosov Moscow State University


paleodemography, paleodemography indexes, Bakhchi-Eli, age cohort, the peak of mortality, the average expectation of life


In the graves of the cemetery of the Crimean Tatar settlement Bakhchi-Eli (19-early 20th century) discovered skeletal remains of 166 people. Of these, 75 people had children at the age of 49 adult males, 42 adult women. The ratio of men and women is 58.33% to 41.67%. The average life expectancy in the group was 23.4 years. The average age of death in adults was 39.6 years, and the average age of death in children was 3.7 years.

The peak of mortality in the group falls on the first age interval (0-5 years) and is 39.15%. 80 % of children (under 15 years) died in this age range. More than a quarter of all children died before the age of one, probably due to the lack of necessary conditions for childbirth and nursing of infants. The peak of mortality in the adult population from Bakhchi-Eli falls on the final age cohort (50+ years), which may be due to the special caring attitude of the population to the elderly group.


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Crimean antiquities