To the craniology of the Crimean Tatars


  • Sergey V. Vasilyev Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


Crimean Tatars, craniology, skull angular morphometry.


The article provides an anthropological analysis of the human remains from Bakhchi-Eli necropolis (Kirovsky District, Republic of Crimea). This series is of great interest in connection with the study of the ethnogenesis of the Crimean Tatars. Today it is the first and unique series of the skulls of the Crimean Tatars of the Modern history. The accumulation of such unique data will allow us to discuss the proximity or distance of the modern population from, for example, the medieval one more convincingly. The work gives a craniological characteristic of modern Crimean Tatars. Two morphologically different clans are identified, among residents of the Bakhchi Eli settlement. 


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Crimean antiquities