On the history of anthropological study of the Tatars of the Crimean peninsula


  • Aleksey V. Ivanov Institute of archaeology of the Crimea, Russian Academy


Crimean peninsula, Crimean Tatars, anthropology, craniology, ethnic history, history of science


The article presents a historical sketch and an overview of sources related to the problem of anthropological study of the Crimean peninsula, Crimean Tatars, which is close to the present day. The available data make it possible to consider the Crimean Tatars as inhomogeneous in anthropological terms, the researchers distinguish the morphological complexes inherent in the steppe, mountain and southern banks of the Crimean Tatars. The text of the article gives an overview of quite a few publications by authors of the late XIX – 30s of the XX ct. working mainly with living representatives of various groups of the Crimean-Tatar ethnos, as well as publications of a more close to us time introducing into scientific circulation data on the available craniological series. The remaining questions regarding the allocation of anthropological components within the Crimean Tatar people and especially the history of their formation require the systematic introduction of new anthropological materials into scientific circulation and their further research using a wide range of modern complex methods.


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Author Biography

  • Aleksey V. Ivanov, Institute of archaeology of the Crimea, Russian Academy

    Institute of archaeology of the Crimea, Russian Academy of Sciences.

    E-mail: ivav@yandex.ru.






Crimean antiquities