Witchcraft (Sikhr) among the Tatars of Astrakhan Region

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-51-3/206-212


  • Andry V. Syzranov Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering


Astrakhan region, witchcraft, magic, spells, sihr, Tatars


The article is devoted to the study of traditions of witchcraft (sihr) among the Tatars of the Astrakhan region. Based on ethnographic materials, it was concluded that witchcraft among the Tatars is mainly associated with harmful magic and spells. The study reveals a clear connection between ideas about witchcraft and beliefs in evil spirits. It was found that the traditions of witchcraft among the Lower Volga Tatars are parallel to similar phenomena among other ethnoterritorial groups of Tatars in Russia, in particular, the Middle Volga and Siberian Tatars. The materials on the ethnography of witchcraft among the Tatars of the Astrakhan region are being published for the first time.


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Author Biography

  • Andry V. Syzranov, Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering

    PhD. in Hist., Astrakhan State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (Astrakhan, RF)






Anthropological mosaic