The Place Of The Indigenous Peoples Of Argentina In The Processes Of State And National Construction

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-51-3/182-195


  • Anna D. Scherbakova Institute of Latin America RAS


Indian question, “civilization and barbarism”, “desert” as a concept and metaphor, space construction, national-cultural identity, southern border factor, biological determinism


The article analyses the stages of consolidating the peripheral position of indigenous peoples among the State priorities of the Argentine Republic, aimed at consolidating the state and creating a national identity. It was shown that during the colonial period their integration and assimilation into socio-economic and political processes were limited both by the communities themselves and by the colonial authorities. Since Argentina’s independence, the territories of the traditional residence of autochthonous groups became the object of state policy and are consistently excluded from the national political agenda. A wide arsenal of means is used – from equipping military expeditions to launching ideological and propaganda campaigns in the country and beyond.


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Author Biography

  • Anna D. Scherbakova, Institute of Latin America RAS

    PhD in Polit. St., Institute of Latin American Studies, RAS






American Anthropology