“Eco-territorial turn” and New Social Movements of Latin America

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-51-3/168-181


  • Alexandr A.  Shinkarenko Institute of Latin America RAS


neoextraсtivism, indigenous people, mining, Pachamama, pollution, development models


Considering the questions of Latin-American development is impossible without taking into account the existing environmental problems of the region. The human impact on the environment gave birth to new challenges, which were initially perceived as a local, but later moved to the global level. The so-called «eco-territorial turn» that we can observe in some Latin American countries was a reaction to the expansion of the neoextractivist policy of the authorities, which support the «Consensus of Commodities». The latter brought new forms of inequality and potential conflicts to the Latin American society. In our opinion, these trends can be seen not only as local forms of the mentioned problems, but also as possible ways to resolve them.


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Author Biography

  • Alexandr A.  Shinkarenko, Institute of Latin America RAS

    PhD in Polit.Studies, Institute of Latin America RAS (Moscow, Russia)






American Anthropology