I.S. Gurvich: science as a thread connecting eras

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-51-3/7-18


  • Elena A. Pivneva Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS


I.S. Gurvich, Yakutia, North Studies, Institute of Ethnography, ethnic processes, continuity, transformation


The paper is an overview of the Northern studies during the Soviet era (1960–1980s) in comparison with their current state in Russia through the prism of scientific work of I.S. Gurvich. The all-Russian Scientific Conference dedicated to his 100-th Anniversary was held in IEA RAS, Moscow on October, 24–25 in 2019. The article describes the initial stage of Gurvich’s scientific career related to his residence in Yakutia and analyzes his work as the head of the Department of Northern Studies of the Moscow Institute of Ethnography. The article particularly emphasizes the role of the Northern expedition of this Institute in the development of Northern studies in Russia and the role of the personality factor in formation of the discipline. The author discusses problem of the connection of scientific research with the political context.
It is concluded that some areas and principles of scientific work originated by I.S. Gurvich retain their importance for current research. At the same time, post-Soviet Northern studies have been changing significantly under the influence of socio-political transformations and new scientific theories. The scientific paradigm is shifting; the subject area and the toolkit of applied methods are expanding. The new context of fieldwork, the inclusion of the minorities' opinions themselves in the scientific discourse, compel us to re-conceptualize the idea of “field”. The current situation makes scientists face many new challenges, for which the experience and scientific heritage of I. S. Gurvich and former employees of the Department of the Northern and Siberian Studies are of great importance.


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Author Biography

  • Elena A. Pivneva , Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, RAS

    PhD in Hist., Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology RAS (Moscow, Russia)






Northern Studies in Persons: To the 100th Anniversary of I.S. Gurvich