Pre-wedding rituals among the Lesgin peoples of Dagestan: preservation of traditions and modern innovations

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2020-52-4/188-198


  • Denis I. Dzumayev Institute of Humamity of the North Caucasus State University


peoples of South Dagestan, modern wedding, wedding ceremony, custom, family, modern trends, kalym


The article is devoted to changes in traditional pre-wedding rituals, considers new trends and innovations in modern weddings, emphasizes the role of globalization in displacement of traditional rituals, reveals the features of everyday life and culture of the peoples of South Dagestan – Rutulians, Aguls, Tsakhurs, Lezghins, Tabasarans. Although modern traditions and wedding ceremonies are similar among many peoples living in Dagestan and the entire North Caucasus, the ceremonies of the above-mentioned peoples have a number of distinctive features and details. A comparison of traditional and modern weddings reveals the most stable features of ethnic culture.


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Author Biography

  • Denis I. Dzumayev, Institute of Humamity of the North Caucasus State University

    PHD-student, Institute of Humamity of the North Caucasus State University (Stavropol, Russia)






Traditions and Modernity