Osteometric study of the necropolis Batalnoe of the Crimean peninsula

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-48-4/235-242


  • Svetlana B. Borutskaya Lomonosov Moscow State University


necropolis, skeleton, osteometric study, upper limbs, lower limbs, limb proportions.


Skeletons of 9 women and 13 men were measured and a number of indices were calculated during the study of burials from the Crimean Tatar Batalnoe necropolis. The ratio of the lengths of the upper and lower extremities was found to be average or lower than average, the shoulder is relatively long. In men, the forearm was often long relative to the shoulder; in women, on the contrary, it was often shorter. Both men and women had short tibia according to the crural index. Women are characterized by very narrow shoulders. The degree of massiveness of long bones in men varies, with the exception of usually massive radius and tibia. Women are characterized by medium-massive and gracile long bones, with the exception of the bones of the forearm. The body length in men was estimated as 162.1–175.1 cm. The reconstructed body length of women is 146.4 –160.0 cm


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Physical anthropology