Agricultural practices among the nomads of the Lbishensky Disctrict of the Ural Region in the Beginning of the XX century

DOI: 10.33876/2311-0546/2019-48-4/162-168


  • Marat M. Kappasov Bogdan primary high school


nomads, agriculture, grain crops, millet, mowing


In this article, the author shows the role of agriculture among nomads based on data from the cadastral source of the 1912 issue of “Materials on Kyrgyz Land Use ...” in the Lbishchensky district of the Ural region.
The research focuses on the nomads of Lbishchensky district. The author shows the number of sown grain, types of grain and the area of ​​planted land. Millet was the most common cereal among nomads, who were living in the territory of present-day Kazakhstan, including Lbischensky district. The average yields of millet are summized and it is calculated whether nomads could survive in the nomadic environment only at the expense of grain, using the method introduced by Masanov, and further developed by Kanyashin. This technique was created to calculate the number of cattle necessary for the Kazakhs to survive in nomadic environment. Using the “Materials on Kyrgyz land use ..” and a number of other sources and research the author argues that farming in this district could not feed the majority of nomads and could only be a supplementary economic activity


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